Salary Survey

Below are salary estimates for the GTA, these are averages based on our experience but there are numerous factors which can effect these ranges. There can also be perks that would be be over and above these ranges like bonuses, profit sharing, stock options, RRSPs, auto expense, commissions as well as company benefits.

I.T. Jobs

Junior Programmer$55, 000$65, 000$75, 000
Programmer Analyst$70, 000$80, 000$90, 000
Snr. Programmer Analyst$85, 000$95, 000$110, 000
Systems Analyst/Business Analyst$75, 000$85, 000$100, 000
Snr. S/A - P/L $90, 000$100, 000$120, 000
Application Architects$100, 000$110, 000$130, 000
Data Architects$100, 000$110, 000$130, 000
Technical Writers$60, 000$70, 000$75, 000
Database Analyst/Admin$85, 000$100, 000$120, 000
Network Administrator $60, 000$70, 000$80, 000
Systems Administrator$70, 000$85, 000$100, 000
QA/Tester$65, 000$75, 000$90, 000
Manager QA$90, 000$100, 000$110, 000
Project Manager$90, 000$105, 000$130, 000
Mgr./App./Dev./Supp.$100, 000$120, 000$140, 000
I.T Director$130, 000$145, 000$160, 000
V.P./CIO/CTO$150, 000$200, 000$250, 000+

Engineering Positions

LevelGeneral, High-Tech.Leading Edge Tech.
Junior Engineers$55, 000 - $65, 000$60, 000 - $75, 000
Intermediate Engineer $65, 000 - $75, 000$70, 000 - $85, 000
Senior Engineer$75, 000 - $95, 000$80, 000 - $100, 000
Group/Project Leader $90, 000 - $110, 000$90, 000 - $120, 000
Architect/Principle$80, 000 - $110, 000$90, 000 - $130, 000
Supervisor$80, 000 - $100, 000$90, 000 - $130, 000
Manager$100, 000 - $120, 000 $120, 000 - $140, 000
Director$120, 000 - $140, 000$130, 000 - $160, 000
Vice-President$150, 000 +$200, 000 +